Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.1 The impact of Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressivism

America adopts child labor laws in 1938, but other countries still employ children to provide cheap labor.

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

Bobby expresses his political policy in speeches - do right even when it is not popular.

Jesse's close friend, Robert Ford, shoots him in the head in his own house while his family is there.

Within ten years after Wallace's death, Scotland is free and Robert the Bruce becomes king.

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both believe in a democratic society, with freedom to worship as one chooses.

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both believe in a democratic society, with freedom to worship as one chooses.

Before 1995, no black players are members of the Springboks, South Africa's rugby team.

A new case declares that the Supreme Court decision about busing discriminates against non-black children; the law changes once more.

Thirty years after the Swann case ruling, white plaintiffs claim race based admission policies are biased and want the previous ruling overturned.

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