Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Jackie plays for the Kansas City Monarchs; African-American baseball players face discrimination in every town.

Risking his own life, Bass agrees to write letters for Platt (Solomon Northup), alerting people in the North that he is wrongfully being held as a sla...

Ayers finds his inspiration in Beethoven, a composer who has been dead for more than 180 years.

A person sent to the guillotine generally has a swift death unless the executioner does not know what they are doing or uses a dull sword.

Religious freedom is not available in Tudor England for people who, among other things, want to translate the Bible into English (or even quote from i...

Black maids raise white children as their own but are still treated as inferiors.

Missionaries practice book censoring and burning as they seek to convert the Mayans.

Branch Rickey wants a Black man to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers; he selects Jackie Robinson to become the first Black player in Major League baseball...

In 1946, Jackie Robinson agrees not to fight the discrimination he will face as the first Black baseball player; he earns his team's respect.

Being placed and tied to a wheel is another very painful and slow way to die.

Tone kills himself rather than be hanged as a traitor, and becomes a martyr.

The Nobles want freedom from the Catholic Church, freedom from undue tax burdens, protection of inheritance rights and due process of law.

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