Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Chapter 1

Koscuiszko's education & compassion for others made him a true American patriot.

Who is Chai Ling?

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were peaceful but because of the laws in China during this time, the protestors were still breaking the law.

The protestors decided to go on a hunger strike to provoke the government to change their silence for dialogue.

Soliders were sent into the Square- protestors defended themselves and then the government took more drastic measures.

Student protestors in China's Tiananmen Square were attacked by the Chinese govenrment although the students were unarmed.

The end of the students protests were later referred to as the Beijing Massacre- the world was watching and reacting.

After the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Chai Ling was forced into hiding and later was able to leave the country to continue living outside of China in e...

The Dalai Lama is forced to flee.

Even though the American Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, Americans practice censorship.

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