Civil Wars Chapters

When Americans disagreed on the power of individual states to control their respective governments and institutions, they fought a war, between themselves, during 1861 to 1865. Other countries have also fought "civil wars." These stories focus on those people, places and events.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.1 The impact of Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressivism

When Samuel Clemens becomes a professional writer, he adopts a pen name. Samuel Clemens thus becomes Mark Twain.

What happens to Jackson's assistant, Sandie Pendelton, and U.S. Grants' new orders.

Before the rule of Henry VIII, Ireland is independent of the British, but Protestants want to "colonize" Ireland.

In 37 days, Sherman travels from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in between. His plan is to destroy the Confederates' ability to make war.

Even with England's help, the Huguenots cannot retain control of La Rochelle and give up after 14 months.

View photographs and drawings of the siege of Petersburg before General Lee surrenders.

Slaves, who are forced to do hard work in the fields growing cotton and other crops, are often abused.

Wolfe Tone and his colleagues rebel against British rule by forming the Society of United Irishmen.

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