Civil Wars Documents

When Americans disagreed on the power of individual states to control their respective governments and institutions, they fought a war, between themselves, during 1861 to 1865. Other countries have also fought "civil wars." These stories focus on those people, places and events.

This is a facsimile of the telegram which General Hooker had his assistant send to President Lincoln, after the Union's defeat at Chancellorsville: ...

This is a facsimile of the telegram which General Burnside sent to President Lincoln, advising him of the Fredericksburg battle results.  "Our lo...

Bookcover image of Stand Firm Ye Boys from Maine: The 20th Maine and the Gettysburg Campaign, by Thomas A. Desjardin.

Bookcover image of Civil War In Photographs, by William C. Davis.

This book features the paintings of Mort Kunstler with text by Professor James I. Robertson, Jr.  Both men are American Civil-War specialists.

Bookcover image of The Killer Angels:  A Novel of the Civil War, by Michael Shaara. Amazon provides details about this acclaimed book: In t...

Bookcover image of The Smoothbore Volley That Doomed the Confederacy: The Death of Stonewall Jackson and Other Chapters on the Army of Northern Virgin...

The Commission of Ulysses S. Grant as Lieutenant General of the United States Army, signed by Abraham Lincoln.

This image depicts Union soldiers bridging the Osage River for General Fremont. Click on it to expand the view. In the Harper's Weekly issue of Novem...

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