Cold War Chapters

Former allies, America and the USSR fought a "Cold War" after the end of WWII. In 1962, their disagreements nearly caused a nuclear catastrophe. This collection explores the far-reaching impact of their disputes and rivalries.

The K-19 belongs to the "Hotel" class of Soviet nuclear submarines and is not combat worthy.

JFK makes a secret deal for America to withdraw missiles in Turkey in exchange for Soviet withdrawal of missiles in Cuba.

Russia and the United States race to be the first into space.

Fifty years ago, TV brings war into American homes; the death and horror increase protests. The Tet Offensive deals a harsh blow to South Vietnam and ...

Robert Kennedy tells Russia it will take four or five months to remove US missiles from Turkey.

Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that permits the use ofmilitary force in Southeast Asia without a formaldeclaration of war.

James Donovan represents Rudolf Abel, an accused Soviet spy, at his trial which takes place in Brooklyn during the fall of 1957.

Lack of commitment to the war by France and the Viet Minh's knowledge of the Vietnamese countryside turns the war in Vietnam's favor.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives President Johnson the ability to escalate America's involvement in Vietnam, but America resists the draft and prot...

Politicians (Bundy and McNamara) with little knowledge of Vietnamese history want to defeat Communism, and look for an excuse to fight North Vietnam.

Family members are put in different camps where they work on large projects, such as the White Sea Canal.

When JFK becomes president in 1960, he asks his younger brother, Bobby, to become U.S. Attorney General.

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