Crimes and Criminals Chapters

Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.

Conspiracy charges against Mary Surratt, David Herold, George Atzerodt and Lewis Payne lead to a death sentence for each of the accused..

This chapter describes the dark part of Argentina's history known as the Dirty War

Albert Fish dies in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison on January 16, 1936 surrounded by rumors and legend.

Despite his nickname as "The Hanging Judge," Isaac C. Parker personally opposed capital punishment. Even so, he gave hundreds of convicted criminals t...

The Missouri Compromise allows a part of the former Louisiana Territory - admitted into the Union as a state called Missouri - to be a slave-holding s...

Since the Empress becomes so dependent on Rasputin,members of the family believe murder is the only way to get rid of the monk.

Both Loeb and Leopold are smart, cunning, and the best of friends; Leopold does whatever Loeb asks of him.

According to the Puritans, the pillory is fitting for anyone having the nerve to disregard societal rules.

Jailed for shooting their lovers, Beulah Annan (Roxie Hart) and Belva Guertner (Velma Kelly) pose for press photos.

Belva Guertner is acquitted a month after Beulah.

Originally intending to take an 18-year-old boy as his victim, Fish takes the boy's 11-year-old sister Gracie instead.

After Columbus "discovers" some of the Caribbean islands, Spain claims them and the area becomes known as the "Spanish Main."

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