Crimes and Criminals Chapters

Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.

Inspector Fred Abberline is the lead detective on the Jack-the-Ripper cases.

Kate Eddowes may be killed because she uses the alias "Mary Kelly."

This chapter describes Jacobo Timerman's arrest and imprisonment

A Union patrol raids Jesse's farm andtortureshis stepfather, Dr. Reuben Samuel, by hanging him from a tree.

Irish gangsters John and Connor Looney are two main characters in the Road to Perdition but their last name is changed to Rooney.

Serving time in an Indiana prison, John Dillinger meets Harry "Pete" Pierpont and Homer Van Meter who teach him to become a bank robber.

Booth changes his plans and kills the president at Fords Theater.

Men, women and children are captured in Africa and arrive in the "New World" as slaves after a terrible transatlantic journey aboard ships.

The jurors in the Penn case go to Newgate Prison until they pay all fines for disobeying the judge and finding in favor of William Penn.

Kate Eddowes is Jack the Ripper's fourth victim. Her body was found at Mitre Square.

Gracie Budd and her family trust "Frank Howard" (Albert Fish) to take her to a children's birthday party, but she never comes home.

Read testimony from Robert "Red" Manley who drops Elizabeth Short at the Biltmore Hotel and is the last to see her alive.

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