Crimes and Criminals Story Briefs

Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.

Dostoevsky gives us clues where Raskolnikov lives, but not until his wife provided more information (after the author's death) can we be more certain ...

Robben Island lies off the coast of Cape Town and, according to the Robben Island Museum, has been an off-and-on prison site for hundreds of years:Peo...

This image depicts the cramped cell in which Nelson Mandela lived on Robben Island.

Rodrigo Lara Bonilla was Colombia's Minister of Justice when he was brutally murdered in 1984. Pablo Escobar was widely blamed for the crime.

When Rome "ruled the world," its leaders punished people with a very cruel form of execution known as crucifixion. While hanging on a cross, individua...

This image depicts members of the Uralsoveta (Ural Soviet) who were in power when the Romanov family was murdered.

This is a cropped image of the only-known photograph depicting Roxie Hart who was involved, as a witness, in a 1914 trial in Montgomery County, Indian...

Samuel A. Mudd was a young doctor with several children when he met John Wilkes Booth in the fall of 1864.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a GULAG prisoner for 8 years (1945 to 1953).

When kidnappers capture Africans, intending to make them slaves, they use shackles (among other things) to bind them.

Shergar, the champion thoroughbred, won the Epsom Derby (in England) by ten lengths on June 3, 1981 - the same year he was named "European Horse of th...

Jess Sarber - Sheriff of Allen County in October of 1933 - lived in Lima, Ohio.

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