Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Americans have to ration gasoline, because the military needs it.

Although the Captain is in charge of a ship, and his word is "law," George Pollard - captain of the Essex, a whaleship - gives-in to Owen Chase, his F...

Real circus disasters such as fires and train wrecks form the basis for the fictional Benzini Bros. Circus tragedy.

Read a poem about the life of Professor G.V. Loganathan, an engineering teacher.

Children, especially in Great Britain, have to suffer family issues, as well as a lack of food and supplies.

Susan believed in Ada and thought she was smart.

Postal workers on the Titanic try to save letters and packages.

Heinrich Himmler plans to hide the "evacuation" of the Jews from the world, assuring the Nazis that this is a noble cause.

Herb Morrison reports live as the Hindenburg approaches the landing site and catches fire.

Arriving at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, during her first transatlantic crossing from Germany to America, the Hindenburg (LZ 129) is escorted b...

Hitler's "final solution" is to erase the Jewish race in Europe by gassing them in concentration camps.

People save possessions by burying them in the sand before they flee the October 1871 fires in Holland, Michigan.

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