Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Read a poem about the life of Professor Kevin Granata, an engineering teacher.

Traffic and bad weather prevent Pan Am 1736 from leaving the Tenerife airport.

Four days after leaving Nantucket, the Essex was overwhelmed by a terrible squall which damaged the ship during a knockdown.

Tsunami warning systems are in place in the Pacific Ocean, but not in the Indian Ocean when the December 26, 2004 tragedy takes place.

The history of Lake Conemaugh and the South Fork Dam

The Challenger Disaster could have been avoided on January 28, 1986. Cold weather worsens O-ring failure possibilities. Engineers ask NASA to delay th...

Read a poem about the life of Lauren Ashley McCain, a 20 year-old freshman in International Studies.

Read a poem about the life of Leslie Sherman, a 20 year-old junior in History and International Relations.

Letters From a Broken Apple is an illustrated comic of Neil Kleid's view of New York on September 11.

Thomas Nickerson, George Pollard and Owen Chase returned to Nantucket after the wreck of the Essex. Each coped in different ways as they tried to reco...

Mike Williams jumps 10-stories from the Deepwater Horizon rig to save himself, but 11 other men die and 17 are injured.

Life changes after the plague: social and economic values change, art becomes more morbid, peasant uprisings increase and church authority lessens.

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