Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Terrorists hijack and crash American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

Terrorists hijack and crash United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower at 9:03 EDT.

Passengers aboard hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 attempt to break into the cockpit, so the hijackers crash the plane in Pennsylvania.

British rule and the Irish Catholic Penal Laws lay the foundation for a disaster.

Read a poem by a 2007 McMullen County Sophomore English Class as a tribute to those killed in the Virginia Tech Massacre.

During the 1930s circuses thrive, look at old circus posters.

Fires burn for three days after the earthquake, leaving thousands dead and the city in ruins.

Thousands of Germans flee as the Russian army seeks revenge.

PG&E has a compressor station in Hinkley (in theMojave Desert), which puts large amounts of toxins into the water, soil, and air.

The KLM captain attempts to avoid the collision, but slams into the side of the Pan Am jet.

Twenty men and one 14-year-old cabin boy leave Nantucket, aboard a whaleship called Essex. They plan to fill the barrels in their cargo hold with oil ...

Many die in Ireland, but those who escape to America face many more hardships.

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