Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

In the late 1800s in Cuba, Father Benito Vines trains people to predict hurricanes. U.S. forecasters are reluctant to use his data.

The Japanese attack West Loch at Pearl Harbor and destroy US military and equipment bound for the battle of Saipan.

Robert E. Sticker created an oil painting interpreting the “Nantucket Sleigh Ride,” an adrenalin-producing event which occurred after whal...

German Otto Beyersdorff concludes within five weeks that the exterior paint on the Hindenburg caught fire. It takes 60 years for U.S. scientists to ag...

Within 34 seconds, the Hindenburg catches fire, remains level, but then bursts into flames and crashes. There are eyewitness reports, movies and photo...

Black Death (or pestilence) gets its name from black boils which appear on the bodies of infected people.

A bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes Bubonic plague; the oriental rat flea transmits the disease to humans from black rats.

From the ancient to the modern world, people have tried to understand rabies, but it remains a mysterious albeit deadly illness. At least today, we kn...

Pvt. Joseph McDonald receives the radar message from Opana Point but cannot get anyone to believe him about the incoming Japanese planes until it is t...

Questions remain about the Allied lack of action toward the death camps, but all the clues are not available until after the war.

Most likely beginning in the Gobi Desert, the plague spreads throughout Asia and then Europe following trade routes.

Because no one is sure what has happened to the Tsar's children, people begin to wonder whether some of the family members have survived.

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