Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Many Atlantic hurricanes begin in the warm ocean waters near the Cape Verde Islands off the western coast of Africa.

George Pollard, a Nantucket-based whaler whose first command was the whaling ship Essex, made a series of mistakes soon after leaving the harbor in Au...

One theory has it that meteor sparks might have ignited the blaze the night of Chicago's Great Fire in October, 1871.

Two giant undersea slabs (tectonic plates) collide and rupture the Earth's crust.

The massive Banda Aceh quake causes tons of displaced water to roar toward Indian-Ocean shorelines. A massive tsunami is thus set in motion.

The stock market crash, Hoover and failing banks are all causes of the Great Depression, but there are others still unknown.

In honor of the astronauts, Challenger Learning Centers provide space and science information.

Charles Howard, Seabiscuit's owner, is a car salesman who takes horses for trade on his cars.

Even though the American Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, Americans practice censorship.

During Chicago's Great Fire of 1871, people are not able to escape death even when seeking safety in Lake Michigan.

Although Chicago has modern equipment, the city has far-too-few firefighters in 1871.

Meet and see photographs of famous circus performers and animals.

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