Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

As soldiers rescue Black Hawk Super 64's crew, they are overtaken by a Somali mob who drags one soldier's body through the city. Another soldier is he...

There is not enough wood for coffins to bury all those who are dying, in Ireland, during "The Great Hunger.".

As US relief troops march towards LZ Albany, North Vietnamese hide behind giant anthills and ambush them.

Thousands from the Gustloff die in the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea.

In the city of Nanking, China, Japanese soldiers plunder, rape and kill thousands of men, women and children.

Father Pernin reports on the chaos in Peshtigo as people try to flee the inferno.

50 years ago a fire occurs during an Apollo 1 training session, trapping the crew inside. The 3 crew members die when they cannot get out of their com...

The Lusitania explosion is larger than anyone expects and many lifeboats are useless. The ship sinks within 18 minutes.

Jackie Kennedy endures the unendurable when she sees her husband murdered. Soon after JFK's death, and before leaving Dallas, Lyndon Baines Johnson ta...

Despite the horrible wartime conditions in Poland, Szpilman manages to stay hidden and alive.

During the "Perfect Storm," the Andrea Gail and her six-member crew disappear without a trace.

PG&E tells residents of Hinkley that their "groundwater is good and suitable for drinking" even though it contains unsafe levels of cancer-causing che...

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