Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

The Irish Poor Laws, intended to help the most-desperate people of the country, actually harmed them when landowners who were responsible for tenant f...

As the effects of the Potato Famine spread, Irish people are evicted from their rented homes at astonishing rates. The Tipperary Vindicatorreports a g...

The December 16, 1848 edition ofThe Illustrated London News(quotingThe Tipperary Vindicator) describes unimaginable conditions endured by Irish famili...

Reporters forThe Illustrated London News, investigating conditions in Ireland during the famine, writehorror stories about what they see "in this coun...

General James H. Lane (who had studied under Stonewall Jackson at VMI - Virginia Military Institute) provides an account of Jackson's shooting (at pag...

Learn about this famous author through the work of Ten Great Writers of the Modern World - James Joyce's Ulysses"

Six aircraft carriers ferried 423 Japanese planes to attack Pearl Harbor. Some of the planes were equipped with B5N2 torpedoes whose pilots flew in a ...

Japanese interrogators - like James Sasaki - followed specific guidelines for questioning Allied aviators. This political cartoon depicts such an inte...

The so-called "magic bullet," found on a stretcher (reportedly used by Governor Connally at Parkland Memorial Hospital), is shown here at high magnifi...

Jimmy Harrell was the Offshore Information Manager (OIM) on Deepwater Horizon. He had command of the oil rig while it was connected to the wellhead.

"It's a Wonderful Life" is one of the most-popular films to watch during the holidays. Who was James Maitland Stewart (1908-1997), its star? Known the...

NASA's Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) had to be redesigned, after its design flaws caused the loss of Challenger and its seven astronauts.

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