Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

A moralisée, popular in the medieval era, is a pictorial Bible in which Biblical events and their “moralizations” are presented in ...

Less than two months after her husband was killed, Mrs.

After the fatal shot was fired at her husband, Mrs. Kennedy suddenly moves to the trunk of JFK's car. What was she attempting to do?

This sketch of Naoetsu Camp 4 - created from memory, after the war was over - is from "A Bridge Across the Pacific Ocean" (a Japanese-language book).

An important Norwegian seaport, whose deep-water harbor is used to transport Swedish-mined iron ore, Narvik was captured by Germany during World War I...

Carefully setting-up a test to determine what may have caused Columbia to explode during the Orbiter's re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, NASA disc...

The Trail of Tears, which describes a bleak period in U.S. history, occurred after the U.S. federal government forced Native Americans to leave their ...

For a thousand years, or so, birds flying over the Pacific island of Nauru have left their droppings on the island.

In occupied Holland, Dutch churches issued a collective protest against the treatment of the country's Jews.

Learn about redrawing national boundaries.

Rogier van der Weyden created this work, entitled "Deposition" (also known as "Descent from the Cross"), circa 1435.

This photograph depicts two Jewish women, in Paris, wearing the yellow Star of David.

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