Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Because English ships could not easily penetrate the Spanish crescent formation, the Brits had to use different tactics to attack the Armada.

As Britain's ships are stuck in Plymouth Harbor, awaiting a turn of the tide and wind direction, Spanish ships pass by. They have been ordered, by the...

It is the 29th of July, 1588, and a huge fleet of ships - known as the Spanish Armada - approaches the English Channel. The future of Britain hangs in...

As ships of the Spanish Armada continued to make their way east, in the English Channel, neither side had harmed the other.  Although two Spanish...

As an unfavorable wind began pushing Spanish ships toward the sand banks of Flanders, priests on board ship began hearing the sailors' last confession...

In the U.S., during World War I, the number of people who died from Spanish Flu exceeded the number of soldiers who were killed during the war.

In addition to his Warren-Commission testimony, Special Agent Clinton Hill prepared a written statement regarding the assassination of President Kenne...

Photograph of Spirit Lake, located near Mt. Saint Helens in Washington State, before the volcano's violent eruption on May 18, 1980.

Homes in Pompeii, before Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, were not only beautiful in their own right, they also included beautiful gardens.

Takeo Yoshikawa provided detailed charts to the Japanese Imperial High Command, as depicted in this recovered document.

Ukrainian farmers and their families die, by the millions, as a result of Stalin's policies enforced against them. They are left with no grain to sell...

In late July, of 1942, Stalin issued an order (Number 227). The Soviet leader told the people of the city named after him to resist the coming German ...

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