Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

An American Marine found a briefcase on Saipan containing nothing but information regarding Amelia Earhart. Was it her briefcase? If so, how did it ge...

During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the USS West Virginia was badly damaged.

Although the Essex was the first-known ship to be fatally attacked by a whale, at least three more vessels experienced a similar fate in the ensuing y...

Frank Vining Smith (1879- 1967) was a prolific artist from Massachusetts who specialized in marine painting. His impressionistic style made his painti...

As more and more whales were depleted in the North Atlantic, whaling men traveled to the Pacific. Near the equator, they had found many sperm whales i...

Did you know that whale oil helped to fuel the Industrial Revolution - and - that oil from a Sperm Whale comes mostly from its very large head?

Several investigations reveal why Deepwater Horizon exploded, leading to the loss of 11 crew members.

President McKinley was shot by an anarchist. Why did he shoot the President?

This image illustrated an article, published in 1863, addressing the deplorable conditions in the Bethnal Green section of London, England.

The Gulf of Mexico was once larger than it is today. Algae, growing along its perimeter, provided the first ingredients for the oil formation which oc...

The world's deadliest shipwreck is also one of the world's least-known tragedies.

Wilhelm Conrad (Konrad) Roentgen (1845-1923) and his wife (Anna Bertha Roentgen) lived upstairs from the Physics Institute at the University of Wurzbu...

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