Disasters Videos

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

On January 12, 2010, cameras at the U.S. Embassy, in Haiti's capital city, record in real time the impact of a devastating quake.

Despite rumors of a tsunami, following the January 12 Haitian earthquake, none occurred because this quake resulted from a strike-slip fault.

Five years after the people of Halifax buried so many of Titanic's victims, another ship caused a catastrophe in their own town.

This video clip - shot by an amateur film maker - shows the roof of the Ringling Bros.

Family members tried to identify remains of their loved ones at the Connecticut State Armory.

Newsreel footage, of the Hartford Circus Fire's aftermath, depicts the devastation which occurred on July 6, 1944.

What happened in Ukraine, during 1932-33, which caused people to describe a famine in that country as Holodomor ("death by starvation)?

To this day, people in Ukraine (and elsewhere) remember the great famine of 1932-33.

The great famine of 1932-33, in Ukraine, took the lives of millions of people - yet, it is little known in the rest of the world.

This clip, from "Harvest of Despair," continues the story of the great Ukrainian famine of 1932-33.

Concluding clip from "Harvest of Despair," a film which presents the great Ukrainian famine (of 1932-33) as a preventable event, engineered by the Sov...

Landing in New Jersey, following a thunderstorm, one of Germany's airships - the Hindenburg - exploded on May 6, 1937.

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