Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

The Pilgrims become indentured servants, and then unsuccessfully try sailing the Speedwell and Mayflower to America.

Nicholas' coronation feast causes the death of about 2,000 people and his reign causes Russia many military losses.

Mary marries again and is forced to abdicate in favor of her son.

After escape from the Horns of Hattin battlefield, Balien of Ibelin retrieves his wife in Jerusalem. Saladin allows this because Balien carries no we...

Rather than surrender, Japanese soldiers lead Banzai attacks where they kill as many Marines as possible before dying themselves.

Jackie plays for the Kansas City Monarchs; African-American baseball players face discrimination in every town.

The military retreats to Bataan and General MacArthur moves to Corregidor.

Thermopylae is the battleground for a fight where the defending Greek army kills many of Xerxes' invading Persian soldiers.

After Saipan, MacArthur orders the taking of Peleliu with a beach landing.

The Yankees explode a tunnel under the Confederate lines but are trapped in the crater as the Confederates rally and kill them.

Adlai Stevenson brings the missile crisis to the UN looking for support, but the Soviet Union refuses to respond.

Ludwig becomes so obsessed with gaining custody of his nephew, Karl, that he does not compose for two years.

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