Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Father Pernin reports on the chaos in Peshtigo as people try to flee the inferno.

50 years ago a fire occurs during an Apollo 1 training session, trapping the crew inside. The 3 crew members die when they cannot get out of their com...

The Bataan Death March, shown in photos and maps, lasts over 60 miles; many Filipino and US soldiers die.

Although President Kennedy expresses sadness at the death of the South Vietnamese President, the assassination was in line with U.S. interests.

The Lusitania explosion is larger than anyone expects and many lifeboats are useless. The ship sinks within 18 minutes.

When Jesus brings his friend Lazarus back from the dead, the plot to Jesus begins.

Four years after her marriage, Louis XV dies from smallpox and Marie Antoinette becomes queen of France.

People feel that Garfield dies too soon, but not "in vain".

The Mahdi dies after capturing Khartoum, but his Mahdist forces make Omdurman their capital.

Despite fatal German counter attacks, the Allies manage to secure the Normandy beachhead.

Mary's second husband plots to murder her private secretary and dies himself two years later; many suspect Mary of involvement.

Jean Chastel finally kills and buries The Beast of Gevaudan; the legend may live on in "Little Red Riding Hood" and other fairy tales.

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