Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

In 1939, Einstein writes a letter to FDR about his theory of creating power from splitting atoms and his concerns that Germany can develop nuclear bom...

General Eisenhower visits many Nazi death camps to document their existence and crimes.

Starving families, with no home, walk the roads to nowhere until they die.

As the British Empire flourished, during the 18th century, interesting specimen made their way to London. One of the most-interesting, the Torpedo Fi...

Mary tries, unsuccessfully for 19 years, to get help from Elizabeth, who imprisons her.

Read a poem about the life of Emily Hilscher, a 19 year-old freshman in Animal and Poultry Sciences.

When the Soviets liberated Budapest, Raoul Wallenberg thought they could also free 70,000 Jewish people who were still at risk. After discussing the i...

The fighting stops on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month in 1918. Germany loses the war and territory, which sets up the scenario for H...

Mary is to marry the sickly son of Henry VIII, but Catholic forces oppose it, resulting in a war.

Mary grows up in the French court but returns to Scotland after her husband, heir to the French throne, dies.

The movie, U-571, is an American fictionalized account of the Enigma Machine's capture; it angers the British so President Clinton must apologize.

Threatened by Mary's supporters, Elizabeth's followers plot to incriminate Mary.

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