Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

The Franks break the truce they reach with Saladin, so he raises an army to fight against them.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer keeps his faith in the goodness of God even as the Nazis hang him.

John Newton wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace" years after a dangerous sea voyage.

America captures its first U-boat, the U-505, off the coast of French West Africa.

The U.S. enters the war in April 1917 using the sinking of the Lusitania as the main reason.

On November 28, 1775, the Continental Congress establishes the U.S. Navy. Soon after, John Paul Jones raises a thirteen-striped flag (known as the "G...

Truman authorizes combat troops led by General McArthur to assist South Korea.

Photographs, audio/video footage, documents, eyewitness testimony and memoirs all prove that the Holocaust occurs.

On November 28, 1775, Congressestablishesthe U.S. Navy to stand against the British.

Many American leaders are the subjects of Herblock's political cartoons.

Young Americans want to fly combat missions for France during WWI; they form the Escadrille Americaine (American Squadron).

Americans first enter Vietnam in the 1950s to advise the South Vietnamese; the plan was never to stay.

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