Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Other British forces push onto Sword Beach and assault the German troops.

To control a near mutiny, the group creates the Mayflower Compact, the first known "American" self-governing document.

This image of a tomb outside the city walls of Jerusalem is known as the “Garden Tomb.” It is also referred to as “Gordon’s Ga...

As Hitler seizes power, the Jewish persecution begins.

Galveston builds a protective sea wall and raises the height of the entire city.

Writings, photos, and even some videos show the destruction.

Stephen Austin and others from the American South come with their slaves to farm the Texas territory.

Nicholas' daughters survive the first hail of bullets because the gems sewn into their clothing provide some protection from the bullets.

In an art studio in Paris, Anna and her team create masks that enable wounded soldiers to resume their civilian lives.

Her training in classical art and sculpting gave Anna the tools she needed to give wounded soldiers hope and new life.

As a classical sculptor, Anna used her training and artistic sense to create life-like masks for soldiers who had been disfigured in the Great War.

After WWI ended, Anna Coleman Ladd returned to the United States and resumed her career as a sculptor.

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