Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

This map depicts the flight paths of Enola Gay and Bockscar as they flew their atomic- bomb missions to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. Click o...

This telegram (from a squadron official at Wilbur Wright Field in Fairfield, Ohio) to the Adjutant General (in Washington, D.C.) is a notice of death ...

School children were also vulnerable to the second-wave flu outbreak.  This telegram gives notice that a girl, named Lucy Antone, was getting sic...

This map depicts the location of key places in Mandela's life, including the last incarceration facility - Victor Verster prison. It also locates Sow...

President Franklin Roosevelt was in bed, asleep, when he received word during the night that Hitler's troops were invading Poland. This image depicts...

Frozen in Time:  The Fate of the Franklin Expedition, by Owen Beattie and John Geiger, tells the story of the men who had served with Franklin, t...

In this letter, Caroline Purdy explains how the famous Star-Spangled Banner flag was made. 

Page two of the letter, Caroline Purdy [Mary Pickersgill's daughter] wrote to Georgiana Appleton [Major Armistead's daughter] describing how the Fort ...

This receipt, given to Mary Pickersgill by the U.S. Army, shows that she was paid $405.90 for making the Star-Spangled Banner and $168.54 for making a...

Image of a front page of the Galveston Tribune a few months after the 1900 Hurricane which crippled the city and devastated its residents.  ...

Were crematoria, at Nazi camps, used to dispose of bodies of people who were gassed at these camps? The issue is still debated, particularly by indivi...

After the successful “Trinity Test,” of the plutonium core of “The Gadget,” high-ranking U.S. military commanders made ready t...

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