Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Image of notes by Guiteau at his trial, page 2.

Bookcover image of SOS Wilhelm Gustloff. Die größte Schiffskatastrophe der Geschichte (SOS Wilhelm Gustloff. The Biggest Shipwreck in Histo...

This map depicts the location of other towns, outside of Port-au-Prince, which were damaged by the January 12th earthquake.  Petit-Goâve an...

This map - from US AID - depicts the areas most impacted by Haiti's January 12, 2010 earthquake.  Its key (at the lower left) explains color-code...

Image of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson in 1914.

President Truman's staff prepared a daily account of his activities during the Potsdam Conference (in July of 1945).  This image depicts a page f...

Official translation of Himmler's speech to a gathering of SS men in which he directly discuses the "evacuation" of Jewish people. In the speech he st...

This analysis compares and contrasts the Hiroshima atomic bomb (known as "Little Boy") with more modern thermonuclear warheads.  Notice the exte...

This book by Adina de Zavala, and edited by Richard Flores, provides a history of the Tejanos as courageous heroes of the Alamo. Thanks to Arte Publi...

Sol White published an account of his experiences as an African-American baseball player in his book, History of Colored Base Ball. Portions of that ...

The Wilhelm Gustloff was part of Germany's "Strength through Joy" program.  In short, working-class people could take vacations aboard the ship (...

Image of the telegram from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman dated February 28, 1946.  In this message, he asks the American president to...

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