Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Image of a Presidential Proclamation for National Navajo Code Talkers Day, signed by President Ronald Reagan on July 28, 1982. Click on the image for...

On the 5th of April, 1975, Clinton Granger prepared a memo about Vietnam for General Brent Scowcroft.  What would happen in Vietnam in America co...

The Naval Court of Inquiry treated intercepted, decoded Japanese messages separately from its main opinion.  Hereafter is the Addendum (dated Oct...

A Naval Court of Inquiry was convened to determine whether the United States Navy, or any of its members, were responsible for America's failure to pr...

PROCEEDINGS OF NAVY COURT OF INQUIRY 341A witness called by the judge advocate entered. was duly sworn, and was informed of the subject matter of the ...

Benjamin Franklin writes an article for the January 1750 issue of "Gentlemens Magazine," published in London. It is the first-known publication discus...

Image of the newspaper announcing the death of Archduke Ferdinand.

This newspaper article ran about a few days after the Roswell crash.  The article reported that the Army had indeed recovered a flying disc, desp...

This is a facsimile version of a contemporaneous newspaper account regarding the fate of the conspirators.  CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A BETTER VIEW...

The "Weekely Newes"—for Monday the 31st of January, 1606—contains a story of the arraignment, trial and execution of the Gunpowder Conspir...

News reports, like this one from "The National News," predicted the likely death of President Lincoln after he was shot at Ford's Theatre.  This...

On the 28th of October, 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev sent President John F. Kennedy a letter which effectively ended the Cuban Missile Crisi...

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