Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Image depicting page 29 from the book, Olaudah Equiano: The Interesting Narrative.

Image depicting page 57 from the book, Olaudah Equiano: The Interesting Narrative.

On the 7th of October, 2001, America and Britain launched an attack on Taliban-controlled Afghanistan - as a response to the events of September 11.&n...

This image depicts an original document, dated 11 January 1944, from Supreme Allied Headquarters.  It discusses "Operation Overlord," the code-na...

During November of 1943, as the planning continued for the Normandy invasion, the Allies were creating a "Cover Operation" to divert Germany's attenti...

Continuing with the "Cover Operation" for the Normandy invasion, the Allies lay-out various means by which to deceive Germany into thinking that the a...

Continuing with the "Cover Operation" for the Normandy invasion, the Allies discuss the timing of their bogus plan: In order to achieve surprise, c...

"Operation Valkyrie" was the code name for the Wolf’s-Lair plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.  Although the bomb exploded, on 20 July 1944, ...

This image depicts the original document President Truman prepared discharging General MacArthur from all responsibilities during the Korean War. ...

When Harry Truman decided to relieve General Douglas MacArthur of his command duties in Korea - thereby effectively forcing MacArthur's retirement - t...

This excerpt from the Congressional Record reveals that Navajo Code Talkers, and their secret code, were so significant to the War in the Pacific that...

Image of the declassified Top-Secret Order, dated November 20, 1962, to suspend the quarrantine surrounding the island of Cuba. Click on the image fo...

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