Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

President Truman wrote this note on the back of a photograph depicting him with Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam Conference. The President was mistaken, ...

President Truman responded to Henry Stimson's message of July 30, 1945 by writing on the reverse side of that cable.  This is the only written, p...

This document depicts the second page of President Truman's 6 August 1945 press release regarding America's use of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. He...

On the 21st of October, 1941, Alan Turing and three of his Station X colleagues wrote a secret letter to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. It caused a...

The Commission of Ulysses S. Grant as Lieutenant General of the United States Army, signed by Abraham Lincoln.

Prior to his election as President of the United States, Herbert Hoover was the U.S. Food Administrator.  Selected by President Wilson for ...

  The United States Geological Survey has issued a statement, cautioning that Haiti - and the surrounding area - will likely sustain continuing ...

This September 11, 1963 memo discusses the impact of U.S. aid to South Vietnam: Subject:   Implication of Total or Partial Cessation of U...

The Kennedy Administration had sent "advisers" to Vietnam.  U.S. military people were "in country" to discuss things, not to take actions against...

  Image of the "Public Opinion Report: Regarding the Treaty of Versailles Armistice."  This document reveals the attitudes of the Amer...

The Versailles Treaty imposed harsh terms on Germany.  Effectively demilitarizing the country, to prevent another world war from developing, thi...

This section of the Versailles Treaty describes, and quantifies, the types of war damages ("reparations") Germany would pay as a result of World War I...

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