Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

How did Earth Day start? When was the first Earth Day? How did it become a global phenomenon? Take a look at Earth Day, then and now.

Eddie Adams, a famous war photographer, received the Pulitzer Prize for this photograph which he took, in Saigon, during 1968.

Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph on the 21st of November, 1877 - and - we can hear it. The clip is the first "listenable" piece...

On the 11th of December, 1936, King Edward VIII signs an Instrument of Abdication by which he gives-up the British throne. Then he speaks to his peopl...

U.S. astronaut Ed White was the first American to walk in space. He lifted the handle of his hatch cover, and left the safety of his spacecraft, on Ju...

Although he was a pacifist, who despised war, Albert Einstein also realized that if Hitler and his scientists were the first to discover how to build ...

This image depicts the second page of a letter - from Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt - which changed the world.

Was General Eisenhower nervous or apprehensive, in any way, regarding the Normandy Invasion? He may not have expressed words, but he gives us a clue ...

Returning to the Earth's atmosphere, from a journey to space, astronauts aboard the orbiter see what they call a "light show." What causes that phenom...

Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor, served as a port of entry - between 1892-1954 - for millions of European immigrants hoping for a new life in...

The well-preserved remains of a young boy, referred to as the El Plomo Mummy, were discovered, in 1954, on Cerro El Plomo.

Emile Roux, famous in his own right for helping children overcome diphtheria, was Louis Pasteur's chief assistant.

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