Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

When twenty of the shipwrecked crew of the Essex arrive at Henderson Island, three decide to stay. They had previously discovered a cave on the island...

Born into a very wealthy family, Henry Cavendish - a humble, eccentric man - devotes his life to science.

Henry Essex Edgeworth - an Irish cleric who was living in France - became Louis XVIs spiritual advisor during his final days. Although he (and others)...

In this scene from Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V, released in 1989, we see the English king and his men assessing both French and English losse...

To celebrate the birth of his son with Queen Catharine, Henry VIII holds a jousting tournament at Westminster on February 12, 1511.

See the instrument - an azimuthal quadrant - which Johannes Hevelius used to study the heavens ... and get accurate readings ... with the naked eye. ...

The "Higgs Boson" was "in the news" around the world on July 4, 2012. Scientists at CERN - in Europe - announced theymayhave found this particle foll...

As crowds watching the Hindenburg disaster flee the scene of the conflagration, U.S. Navy sailors run toward the Hindenburg to help the injured people...

Landing in New Jersey, following a thunderstorm, one of Germany's airships - theHindenburg- explodes on May 6, 1937. It disintegrates in less than a m...

When Germany's rigid airships were able to travel long distances, they required special recovery procedures to help them land. This video footage depi...

On the 70th anniversary of VJ Day, people still wonder whether Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was responsible for Japan's role in WWII. To his people, Hi...

Winston Churchill refers to the endless U-boat attacks, during the Battle of the Atlantic, as the "U-Boat Peril." His choice of words underscores the ...

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