Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

As the effects of the Potato Famine spread, Irish people are evicted from their rented homes at astonishing rates. The Tipperary Vindicatorreports a g...

The December 16, 1848 edition ofThe Illustrated London News(quotingThe Tipperary Vindicator) describes unimaginable conditions endured by Irish famili...

Reporters forThe Illustrated London News, investigating conditions in Ireland during the famine, writehorror stories about what they see "in this coun...

As Japanese forces continued their final assault on Corregidor, an American corporal named Irving Strobing was sending messages from deep inside a tun...

Lt. Col. Paul Bates, commanding officer of the 761st Tank Battalion, was impressed with Lt. Jack Robinson's influence over the men in his unit, so he ...

As police officers were transferring Oswald to another jail, Jack Ruby (a local Dallas businessman) was among the watching crowd. This image depicts R...

James Benjamin Parker saw Leon Czolgosz approach President McKinley with a handkerchief in his hand. He then sprang into action.

Japan believed that its home islands were safe from attack by Allied bombers because no plane could reach Japan. That is, until Jimmy Doolittle and hi...

Learn more about the author, James Joyce and his work Ulysses.

James Meredith wants to become the first African-American to enroll at Ole Miss, but segregationists have other ideas. Thus begins a battle between ci...

Jan Hus opposed the church's sale of indulgences as a way to buy forgiveness of sins. He opposed the pope and the pope took his life.

Ten weeks after bombing Pearl Harbor, Japanese pilots attacked the northern-Australian city of Darwin. Learn about that and why people use red poppies...

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