Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

After attacking Secretary of State William Seward - on the night of April 14, 1865 - Lewis Powell (also known as Lewis Paine/Payne) hid in a wooded ar...

Lewis Thornton Powell was born in Alabama, lived in Florida and served as a Confederate soldier. He became a "Lincoln Conspiracy" Defendant.

Professor van Musschenbroek, from Leiden University, conducts a world-changing experiment which gives him a massive electric shock.

Shortly before his inauguration as America's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln visited Philadelphia.

As Abraham Lincoln's funeral train made its way to Springfield, Illinois - where the President would be buried - one of the stops on its 1,654-mile jo...

Photograph depicting the desperate living conditions people endured during the Great Depression.

The Gulf of Mexico area contains a significant amount of America's crude-oil reserves.

Flying at 31,000 feet - above Lockerbie, Scotland - PanAm Flight 103 explodes in the night sky.

Elizabeth Stride, also known as "Long Liz," was born in Sweden (on a farm called Stora Tumlehed) in November of 1843. Her life ended when she became a...

In his own country, Cornwallis came to be known as "the man who lost America." Learn why.

A judicial inquiry into the reasons for the wreck is headed by Lord Mersey, a fair man. By this time, however, Captain Turner is greatly reviled by ma...

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