Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Weeping for joy, Magellan realizes he's found a fabled passage when his ships sailed into the Pacific (from the Atlantic).

After Magellan dies, his remnant crew returns to Spain, completing the world's first circumnavigation. Extremely ill, the men do not realize their car...

The Maldives is a republic comprising thousands of islands and atolls. It is known for its stunning beauty observed by deep-sea divers.

Desmond Tutu, in his "Setting Free the Past" lecture, told a Georgetown University gathering that Mandela had changed during his prison years:He had g...

In this clip, narrated by Morgan Freeman, we see historical footage depicting tensions between black and white South Africans.  The video demonst...

Even while he was imprisoned in an impossibly small cell on Robben Island, Nelson Mandela maintained a physical-fitness regimen.

The story of the purchase of Manhattan.

Man o' War was not only a great thoroughbred himself, his bloodline includes other great racers, such as War Admiral and Seabiscuit.

Iceland is Europe's second-largest island. It is located between the North Atlantic and the Greenland Sea.

Today, in America, everyone takes for granted that the Supreme Court has the power to strike-down laws which a majority of the nine justices determine...

Margaret Utinsky, an American nurse whose efforts greatly aided the Cabanatuan prisoners, lost her husband to the prison camp's horrifying conditions....

This image depicts Marian Rejewski, one of the Poles whose work on examining - and understanding - the Enigma machine greatly helped the Allies during...

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