Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

A journalist for NBC News, in 1965, Richard Valeriani was covering a planned civil-rights march in February of 1965, when he was injured. It was the s...

Rick Rescorla, an employee for Morgan Stanley, worked in the World Trade Center and worried about a future terrorist attack. He planned ahead, in case...

As Japanese troops continued their assault on the Philippines - in January of 1942 - Filipino and American troops did everything they could to deter t...

Bobby Kennedy delivered calming words which maintained the peace despite the tragic loss of MLK. He gave an emotional, extemporaneous speech in Indian...

During 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson took a long walk with a donkey in the south of France. His objective was two-fold: Try to forget about Fanny Osbor...

Robespierre dies, by guillotine, on July 28, 1794. During the French Revolution, he was known by his supporters as "The Incorruptible," but it was he ...

After he is banished from Salem, then part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams receives invaluable help from Native Americans.

This image depicts members of the Uralsoveta (Ural Soviet) who were in power when the Romanov family was murdered.

From the Reagan Presidential Library, we learn the following about Ronald Wilson Reagan:Even before he made the White House his home, Ronald Reagan sp...

Rudolf Abel, whose real name was William Fisher, under arrest for espionage, is transferred by plane to/from Texas where he is questioned at the Deten...

For more than 700 years Russia, a nation rich in natural resources, has defended herself against invaders from other countries.

Russia, in the Age of Peter the Great, became a very different place when the Russian Tsar began to transform his country to make it more modern.

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