Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Sid Phillips describes what it was like to be a young Marine fighting in "The Pacific" during WWII.

This image depicts the siege of Cartagena when a combined force of French troops and buccaneers found a weakness in the city's heavily fortified defen...

In the fall of 1187, Saladin and his forces besieged the city of Jerusalem. It was not the first time the ancient city was subjected to a siege by for...

Assault troops who neared the Normandy shoreline, where they would soon face unspeakably difficult conditions, had already endured a difficult crossin...

Einstein's theory of General Relativity, including its description of gravity, is proved with a total solar eclipse.

This drawing depicts a cross section of the Solid Rocket Motor which was in use at the time of the Challenger disaster.

On the 1st of July, 1916, WWI fighting in France intensifies as the deadly Battle of the Somme begins.

Soviet troops, also known as the Red Army, captured Berlin in April of 1945.

Image of the lunar space suit developed for the Soviet cosmonauts for operations on the surface of the moon.

To the great surprise of the world, including the United States, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb on August 29, 1949.

Since the start of the space age, countries sending objects into space have created a large amount of debris which continues to orbit the Earth.

Eroded O-rings caused the loss of the space shuttle Challenger. This image depicts how hot gasses were not kept away from the shuttle's fuel during la...

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