Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

In this U.S. Air Force photo, we see four C-123s spraying defoliant in September of 1965.

During World War II, the American government wants a very large plane to be used in the war effort. Howard Hughes helps to make that happen, but his ...

Meet Laika, the first living creature to fly in space 60 years ago, on November 3, 1957. Learn what really happened to her.

Takeo Yoshikawa provided detailed charts to the Japanese Imperial High Command, as depicted in this recovered document.

The SR-71, also know as the Blackbird, is the world's fastest airplane.

This image depicts the R-12 / SS-4 "Sandal" Soviet-made missile. It was a key component of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

After the Battle of Waterloo was over, people were stunned at the number of casualties. It was Napoleon's final military effort.

In late July, of 1942, Stalin issued an order (Number 227). The Soviet leader told the people of the city named after him to resist the coming German ...

On the 23rd of August, 1942, German bombs devastated the city of Stalingrad.

When Vladimir Lenin died, and Joseph Stalin came to power, people in the Soviet Union were forced to change the way they conducted business.

This image depicts Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union during World War II, and includes the way his name appears in Russian.

Parliament passes the Stamp Act, in 1765, and Colonial Americans rise-up in protest. Parliament repels it on March 18, 1766. Ben Franklin's cartoon dr...

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