Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

During the War of 1812, British forces captured Washington and set fire to some of the capital's key buildings. Then a tornado struck with interesting...

Why pick Christmas night for this attack? Washington knew that Hessian soldiers, fighting for Britain, liked to celebrate holidays. Maybe the Patriots...

In this disastrous battle, from the patriots perspective, a tired and outnumbered British force (led by Banastre Tarleton) routed the Americans (led b...

This image depicts the Katyusha BM-13 rocket launcher.

In 1925, King George V asked his second son, the Duke of York (also known as Bertie or Prince Albert) to close the British Empire Exhibition at Wemble...

"We Shall Overcome" became the rally cry of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.

During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the USS West Virginia was badly damaged.

The U.S. Constitution defines the type of government for the country at the federal level.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark exceeded all expectations during their Corps of Discovery exploration.

The war for independence was finally over, but a cash-strapped Congress had, for years, failed to pay the Continental Armys officers and soldiers. How...

President McKinley was shot by an anarchist. Why did he shoot the President?

When President Truman attended the Potsdam Conference, at the conclusion of WWII in Europe, he stayed in a home which people called "The Little White ...

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