Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Underneath London's Royal Institution, Humphry Davy creates more than 800 Voltaic-Pile batteries and stuns his audience with an extremely bright elect...

Thomas-Francois Dalibard and Georges-Louis Leclerc (the Count of Buffon) translated Benjamin Franklins theories about studying electricity into French...

Conducting an experiment to measure the voltage emitted by a Torpedo Fish, when catching its prey, Professor Jim Al-Khalili (from the Open University)...

Two Italian professors - Galvani and Volta - try to determine whether electricity inside or outside a dissected frog makes its legs twitch.

When the BBC created its series "The World at War"—narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier—producers did not use all of the available historica...

Written in 1866, Crime and Punishment features the city of St.

See the massive Allied bombing attack on Dresden, during February and March of 1945. Bomb runs began on February 13th, reducing the city to utter deva...

In this clip, from a film entitled Stanley and Livingstone," Henry Morton Stanley (a Welsh-American portrayed by Spencer Tracy) meets Dr.

During a televised segment of the Rogers Commission hearings (on the 11th of February, 1986), Dr.

Prince Albert, known to his friends and family as "Bertie," has a new title - the Duke of York - when Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon finally agrees to marry him...

After World War II, General Dwight David Eisenhower was extremely popular.

After the earthquake shook San Francisco, the city burned for several days.

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