Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

After traveling seven months to Mars, the orbiter (MRO) circles the Red Planet and transmits images to her controllers on Earth.

After a perilous journey to Mars, the exploratory rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) have to reassemble themselves.

After a Mars Exploratory Rover (called MER) arrives on the Martian surface, it goes through a kind of metamorphosis over a period of at least nine day...

Since her arrival on Mars, the exploratory rover Spirit (also known as MER-A) has had quite a journey on the Martian surface.

Dr. King gives his powerful, transforming ''I Have a Dream'' speech at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963.

On April 3, 1968 - while in Memphis supporting sanitation workers - MLK gave a moving speech. It was his last.

This documentary - entitled The Atom Strikes!

Medgar Evers was the NAACP's field secretary in Jackson, Mississippi.

Medgar Evers was fatally shot by Byron de la Beckwith.

Knights jousting, on magnificent horses, was a hugely popular sport during the middle ages.

Sometimes tectonic plates, pushing against each other in a subduction zone, become "stuck.

What was life like at the time of the real Dracula, a man known as Vlad Dracula (or, Vlad Tepes)? He lived during the time of great Ottoman conquests,...

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