Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

So highly regarded were winning athletes, in the ancient Olympic games, that their names were used in the Greek calendar.

During 1995, South Africa's senior rugby officials devised a strategy to rally all the people behind the Springboks.

Kermit ("Kim") Roosevelt, Jr - grandson of U.

In 1951, the Shah of Iran appointed Dr. Mossadeq - a popular politician who was elected by people in Tehran to serve as their parliamentary represen...

During late May and early June, of 1940, French, British and Canadian troops were trapped between the English Channel - near Dunkirk - and advancing G...

By the 4th of June, 1940, Operation Dynamo saved about 350,000 trapped French and British troops. The "Miracle of Dunkirk," however, was an evacuation...

This Universal Newsreel (really more like a documentary) provides primary-source information on the build-up to D-Day and take us to the initial Norma...

As World War II was reaching an end, officials in the U.

Changing his mind about the extent of U.

On witnessing the first test of the atomic bomb, which he had helped to develop during his work with the Manhattan Project, Dr.

Fifty years after Hitler's death and Germany's surrender, the BBC rebroadcast the original news as it was delivered on May 2, 1945.

In this segment of a 60-Minutes investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster, we learn of concerns about other offshore drilling rigs at work in ...

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