Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

On the 14th of October, 1947, Chuck Yeager dropped from the bomb bay of a B-29.

In 1957, the U.S. government - via the CIA - commissioned a documentary entitled "South Africa under Apartheid.

On September 11, one stunning event happened after another.

Hector Pieterson was a twelve-year-old student on the first day of the Soweto Uprising.

Trying to catch-up to the Soviets lead in space-and-rocket science, the American government created NASA (in 1958).

What is the background for developing, and launching, Sputnik - the world's first artificial satellite?

Sixty kilometers above the states of Louisiana and Texas, the space shuttle Columbia began to disintegrate on the morning of February 1, 2003.

Unknown to Columbia's astronauts, orbiter sensors were going offline while observers on the ground recorded something falling away from the shuttle.

After the loss of Columbia, NASA uses launch cameras to observe whether foam, shedding off the External Tank, will strike the orbiter.

To mark the 30th anniversary of the space shuttle, NASA produced this 14-minute documentary (narrated by William Shatner).

Because English ships could not easily penetrate the Spanish crescent formation, the Brits had to use different tactics to attack the Armada.

As Britain's ships are stuck in Plymouth Harbor, awaiting a turn of the tide and wind direction, Spanish ships pass by. They have been ordered, by the...

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