Film Story Briefs

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

The legend of Hercules.

Herman Boone was the head coach of the 1971 Titans football team.

Wearing the letter "A" on her clothes, Hester Prynne must display the "scarlet letter" whenever she is in public. This artistic interpretation of Hest...

The "Higgs Boson" was "in the news" around the world on July 4, 2012. Scientists at CERN - in Europe - announced theymayhave found this particle foll...

Irish school children, in the 1960s, tell the story of St. Patrick (of St. Patrick's Day).

When Germany's rigid airships were able to travel long distances, they required special recovery procedures to help them land. This video footage depi...

On the 70th anniversary of VJ Day, people still wonder whether Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was responsible for Japan's role in WWII. To his people, Hi...

Winston Churchill refers to the endless U-boat attacks, during the Battle of the Atlantic, as the "U-Boat Peril." His choice of words underscores the ...

James O'Donnell's book The Bunker is about the last days of the Third Reichbased on extensive eyewitness interviews and documents.

Allied forces searching for Nazi scientists discovered a hidden nuclear reactor and the world's first fighter jet developed under Hitler's rule.

All the Allies wanted to capture Wernher von Braun. On the morning of April 11, 1945, the Americans found his underground production facility.

Hugh Alexander, portrayed by Matthew Goode in "The Imitation Game," was a British chess champion who was recruited to be a code breaker at Bletchely P...

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