Film Story Briefs

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

Anglesey, island off the coast of Wales - recently made more famous because the Duke (Prince William) and Duchess of Cambridge lived there - is a plac...

Uncovering Viking ships is like unearthing Pharaonic tombs. And uncovering Viking ancestry, via the Human Genome Project, is just as interesting.

In 793 - about six years after commencing raids - Vikings (probably Norwegians) invaded England. Were they seeking to plunder only - or - did some of ...

Today Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch painter, is one of the world's most-beloved artists.

What is the Milky Way? Our solar system, including the Earth, is part of a larger galaxy called the Milky Way.

Vivian Leigh, who played the role of Scarlet O'Hara, in "Gone with the Wind," was married, for a time, to the famous actor Laurence Olivier. In this c...

Vivien Leigh, who played Scarlett O'Hara in the film version of "Gone with the Wind" - produced by David O.

Although she enjoyed the Prince of Wales' attention, Wallis Simpson began to realize that her relationship with David (as the Prince was known to fami...

As Hitler's troops systematically destroyed Warsaw, it was becoming clear that Stalin also wanted the Poles crushed.

Streets became ravines in the massively damaged Warsaw as Poles faced the mounting consequences of their resistance.

"We Shall Overcome" became the rally cry of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.

Westminster Abbey - formally known as "The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster" - has been the scene of royal coronations (and other royal ev...

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