Film Story Briefs

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

Edgar Allan Poe, the creator of the detective-story genre, left-behind a major mystery involving his own death. Was he the victim of cooping, an illeg...

Television is in its infancy on the day of George VI's coronation. As he and his Queen Consort, Elizabeth, make their way to Westminster Abbey - on M...

Cortona, located in today's Tuscany, is an ancient city with a gorgeous view.

More than 5,000 crop circles have appeared in over 40 countries since the first recorded sighting in the 17th century. In this extraordinary study, Lu...

As Dante and Virgil reach the City of Dis, they see the flaming towers of a city seemingly on fire. Inhabitants of Dis wonder how these two individual...

Darius I the Great King of Persia

Scientists have mapped-out the octopus genome! A villain in "Penguins of Madagascar," Dave is an octopus who changes form. A very intelligent inverteb...

Celebrating her Sapphire Jubilee, on 6 Feb 2017, Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's longest-reigning monarch following the untimely death of her father.

Known as Dostoevsky's most-violent novel, "Demons" is based on a real-life murder which took place in 1869.

As Dante and Virgil make their way through the Inferno, they encounter demons with pitchforks. Although the pitchforks are raised, as if to attack, th...

Understanding Dante's Inferno becomes much-easier when we view illustrations by an artist like Gustave Dore.

What is the real story behind Downton Abbey? As it happens ... lots of history. Step back in time to witness events in the 1920s, including the expedi...

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