Film Videos

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

Although 583 people died when two Boeing 747s collided in Tenerife, some individuals aboard the Pan American flight survived.

Trailer for the film, "Aviator," by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo di Caprio.

What's so great about Awesome Stories?

Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, was no longer a young man when he returned from more than a decade of forced exile, in ea...

Bad Blood: The Border War that Triggered the Civil War is a co-production of KCPT Kansas City Public Television and Wide Awake Films.

On the 20th of January, 2009, Barack H.

On the 4th of June, 2009, President Barack Obama gave a speech at Cairo University, in Cairo, Egypt.

En route to his new job as America's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln took a whistle stop train tour from Philadelphia to Washington, D.

This video clip demonstrates what Rod Crawford, a spider expert at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture (University of Washington) describe...

Baroque music is characterized by its non-stop pace.

In The Advocate, Colin Firth plays the role of Bartholomew Chassenee - called "Richard Courtois" in the film - a French lawyer appointed by the court ...

Refueling the King Tigers took a very long time.  Defending against the advancing tanks, Allies were able to blow-up their fuel supplies before t...

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