Geography Documents

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

This map of Ireland depicts its political and geographical borders from "The Pale" (of 1515) until partition (between the Irish Republic and Northern ...

Jefferson's instructions for Lewis and Clark, June 20, 1803.

The second page of President Jefferson's request to Congress for $2,500 for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the West - all the way to the Pa...

Bookcover image of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy (Oxford World's Classics Series, by J.M. Barrie,  Peter Hollingdale (edito...

Long after his death as a martyr in England, John Rogers was remembered in America.  His story was included in a children’s text book in Ne...

Bookcover image of K-19 the Widowmaker: The Secret Story of The Soviet Nuclear Submarine, by Peter Huchthausen.

The Primary Shuttle Landing Facility, at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), is designed for returning Space Shuttle Orbiters.  Opened in 1976, the runwa...

VHS Boxcover image for the movie Khartoum.

Bookcover image of Kitchener's Army 1914-1918, by Ray Westlake.

Bookcover image of Kitchener: Saviour of the Realm, by John Pollock.

The United States military planned an invasion of the Japanese Home Islands, dubbed "Operation Downfall."  Initial landings would have taken plac...

Image of a U.K. map depicting the location of Land's End in southern England. Click on the image for a better view.

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