Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

London was the place where goods from Britain's Empire reached people living in the U.K. This map depicts London as it appeared at the end of the 19th...

Madagascar is an ancient island, adrift in the Indian Ocean. Much of it is unlike anywhere else on Earth.

Sir David Attenborough explains how part of Africa and India was split-off, to exist on its own as the island of Madagascar, and introduces us to some...

Ferdinand Magellan had an important goal whenhe leftthetown of Sevilleon the 10th of August, 1519: Find awestward routeto theSpice (Maluku) Islands.

Sailing in caravels, which are very uncomfortable, Magellan and his men encounter bad weather. Then they see "St. Elmo's Fire." Maybe something good...

Weeping for joy, Magellan realizes he's found a fabled passage when his ships sailed into the Pacific (from the Atlantic).

After Magellan dies, his remnant crew returns to Spain, completing the world's first circumnavigation. Extremely ill, the men do not realize their car...

The Maldives is a republic comprising thousands of islands and atolls. It is known for its stunning beauty observed by deep-sea divers.

North and South Malosmadulu Atolls - part of the Republic of The Maldives in the Indian Ocean - look like Nature's gem stones when seen from space.

Mammatus clouds appear to be upside-down clouds which often appear during a thunderstorm.

The story of the purchase of Manhattan.

What was Manchukuo? The answer to that question is: Manchukuo was actually Manchuria - a province of China - before the Japanese army invaded, then oc...

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