Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Before it was destroyed by volcanic debris spewed from Mt.

The rediscovery of Pompeii initially happens by chance - in 1599 - when Domenico Fontana (an architect) is called in to investigate why workers diggin...

In his second letter (6.20), Pliny the Younger describes what he heard, and saw, after he and his mother left his uncle's villa. Among other things, ...

Image of a map depicting naval positions on the day before the battle of Salamis and the day of the battle.

Mike Everhart tells us where he and his wife, Pam, found the skull of a young male Pteranodon in an area of Smoky Hill Chalk, Kansas.

After the Essex was fatally struck by a whale, in 1820, the ship's steward retrieved a quadrant which the survivors would need as they used their open...

Dostoevsky gives us clues where Raskolnikov lives, but not until his wife provided more information (after the author's death) can we be more certain ...

Operation Uranus proved to be a brilliant rescue plan for the city of Stalingrad. It led to the defeat of Hitler's forces in the Russian city.

One of the 99th's first missions was to participate in action over the island of Pantelleria, in the Mediterranean, when they escorted bombers during ...


Richard I, King of England, decides to participate in the Third Crusade. His eventful journey takes him to Jerusalem.

Richard I, son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, reigned in Britain between 1188-1198.

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